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Shinwon Cultural History 〈Physical Glossary for Basic High School Students〉I. BooksPhysics is called the study of principles. Other science courses, however, are difficult to catch up without understanding the principles of physics. However, memorizing only the formula does not increase the grade. In order to clarify physics, we need to grasp the basic concepts.Students who are familiar with principles and concepts are also good at applying. For this reason, we have summarized the principles and concepts of core content that students should know. A frequent reading of physics textbooks together will help you establish the basics of physics in preparation for your internal exams and college entrance exams.II. program1. Real-time search function2. Add and delete bookmarks3. Move between menus4. Random Extraction Function* Customer InquiryMail: [email protected] / Homepage: www.daolsoft.com / Phone: 02-3473-8703Development & Sales: Daol Soft